Tuesday 28 February 2017

Edward’s Diary Entry 128: Fake News: "We Control our Feelings"...

Today, we’re making it nice and short: Feelings are produced in the mind, as we said, either from downstairs (the body) or from upstairs (the head brain, ie, the thinking process). So unless we are in control of our thinking process, we cannot be in control of our feelings. 

If we were complete masters of our minds, we would be in control at all times; our minds would be part of "us" and subject to “our” commands, the orders given by our own Selves, our “I’s”. If you look at external things, you can see that we are never complete masters of externals, or things outside of our own Selves. This is because externals will always do whatever they have to do, subject to their own circumstances and laws. We can only control what we have incorporated into our own Selves, for example, our own minds, which must be thoroughly understood and incorporated into our sense of “I”.

So if we observe ourselves in our present state and see that what is happening is that a succession of drifting, wandering, automatic and semi-automatic Thoughts, Emotions or Feelings seem to be controlling us, making us feel whatever the external situation induces, then obviously, "we" are lost, we are not in control of our minds, but rather the contrary: our minds control us. Only occasionally does a volitional Thought actually work!

And we have already seen that our “minds” are just a compendium of data, inputs, interpretations, identifications, memories, and much of these from quite unconscious origins, so who is doing the controlling, if any?

This is the sad state of human beings, modern or otherwise. Because we believe lots of Fake News, and confuse data input of any kind from the five sense with Reality. And data input is always limited, and subject to interpretation, and who is doing the interpreting?

Not much of a way to face Reality, is it? But there is a solution to this… if we really want to find it.

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