Friday 17 February 2017

Cave Series 13: Blue Force Field

No black cave the other day… It was a bluish force field, an immense expanse of power extending before me, something like the picture shown here, and I sat there just gaping at it with bated breath, caught up inside it and feeling how I could look around and expand into it at will. I lifted my arms – they weighed nothing. I brought them together and spread them apart  – effortlessly. The field grew stronger, and I was in the midst of it. It was me. Or I was it. I couldn’t tell. Waves of power swept through me, from feet to head. And just as I was beginning to revel in it and enjoy it, I decided, hey! this is all very nice, but it’s beside the point. I am here to get answers to my questions, not watch sideshows. For decoration, I already have the world outside. I don’t really need any modified world-models in the mind. I want an answer to my question. I won’t settle for less. And so I came back to blackness, and kept asking…

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